Symposium 42 – Saint Petersburg, 2018
"The Saint-Petersburg - The White Nights' Symposium"
Steklov Institute of Mathematics and Herzen University
June 9-14, 2018
The 42nd Summer Symposium in Real Analysis (The Saint- - The White Nights' Symposium) was held at the Steklov Institute of Mathematics and Herzen University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia from June 9 through June 14, 2018.
A note from Paul Humke, Editor-in-Chief of the Real Analysis Exchange:
The success of our conferences depends on a great deal of leadership and work by many people and it is wholly appropriate that I thank them and acknowledge their efforts on our behalf.
This year Yuri Andreev has provided the energy and leadership to enable this conference to be held in Russia, and I owe him a great personal debt for all his effort. Without the help of co-organizers, Sergei Kislyakov, the Director of the Steklov Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Victor Budaev, the Head of Mathematics Faculty of Herzen University this conference would simply not have been possible. Too, I'm grateful to Alexander Olevskii, Valentin Skvortsov, and Maria Skopina for their essential local support, and the plenary speakers.
In addition to the formal mathematical program, time was set aside for research collaboration.
This year's "ANDY'' was awarded to Sergei Konyagin.
Congratulations, Sergei!
Four Small "ANDY"s were also awarded.
Generally speaking, this is award for the international scientific and cultural collaboration. This year it was given to those of participants who had essential difficulties "on the way" to the conference (preparations, travel and so on) but finally came.
Slobodan Tričković – As a new face, Slobodan had been out of company and he always had been lost. And even from the beginning, he had a problems to reach a site from the airport.
Bernd Kirchheim – Bernd moves around the world, and there is a question: how and where apply for a Visa. It was not clear at all. Finally, he did it!
Trevor Richards – Trevor did his first overseas! (with two stops and changes during flight) Moreover, he had been out of US by the first time. Great experience!
Paul Humke – All flights from the departure airport had been cancelled just two day before conference because of the runway damage. But finally he came exactly at the first day of the conference.
The conference featured invited one-hour plenary addresses by:
Sergei Konyagin
Vladimir Bogachov
Natalia Kholshchevnikova
Bernd Kirchheim
Evgeny Semenov
and one-hour special sessions by:
Chris Ciesielski
as well as 33 contributed talks. Following is the participant list is the program of the Symposium, and then the summaries of the talks. The editorial board of the EXCHANGE wishes to thank the speakers for preparing these summaries.
Victor Budaev (Herzen University), Dmitry Pavlov (Herzen University), Aleksandr Florinskiy (Saint-Petersburg State University), Oleg Reinov (Saint-Petersburg State University), Serguei Kisliakov (Mathematical Institute of RAS /PDMI/), Elena Riss (Herzen University), Aleksandr Krivoshein (Saint-Petersburg State University), Serguei Rukshin (Herzen University), Elena Lebedeva (Saint-Petersburg State University), and Maria Skopina (Saint-Petersburg State University).
Russia and former Soviet Republics
Vladimir Bogachov (Moscow State University and HSE Moscow), Julia Plotnikova (Vologda State Academy of Milk Industry), Natalia Kholshchevnikova (Moscow State University of Technology), Artyom Radomskii (Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow), Sergei Konyagin (Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow) , Evgeny Semenov (Voronezh State University), Yuri Malykhin (Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow), Selena Sharonova (Tolyatti), Vazgen Mikayelyan (Yerevan State University, Armenia), Valentin Skvortsov (Moscow State University), Mikhail Plotnikov (Vologda State University), and Sergei Voronov (University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow).
North America
Ali A. Alikhani-Koopaei (Pennsylvania State University, PA), Paul Humke (St.Olaf College, MN), Svetlana Butler (University of California, Santa Barbara, CA), Fabio Milner (Arizona State University, AZ), Chris Ciesielski (West Virginia University, WV), Boris Mityagin (Ohio State University, OH), Don Cohn (Suffolk University, MA), and Trevor Richards (Monmouth College, IL).
Asia and Africa
Pratulananda Das (Jadavpur University, India), Shamim Shariat (Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Iran), Pranav Sharma (Lovely Professional University, India), Jun Kawabe (Shinshu University, Japan), Palani Shunmugaraj (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India), Daniyal Israfilov (Balikesir University, Turkey), and Soroosh Farsani (Koosha College of Applied Science and Technology, Iran).
Damir Ferizovic (Technical University of Graz, Austria), Jacek Hejduk (Łódź University, Poland), Martin Doleźal (Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Czech Republic), Graźyna Horbaczewska (Łódź University, Poland), Martin Koc (RSJ, Czech Republic), Małgorzata Filipczak (Łódź University, Poland), Martin Rmoutil (Charles University, Czech Republic), Anna Loranty (Łódź University, Poland), Janusz Morawiec (Institute of Mathematics, University of Silesia, Poland), Bernd Kirchheim (Leipzig University, Germany), Piotr Sworowski (Casimirus the Great University, Poland), Nikolaos Macheras (University of Piraeus, Greece), Tatiana Sworowska (Poland), Francesco Maiale (University of Pisa, Italy), Tričković (University of Nis, Serbia), and Emanuel Chetcuti (University of Malta, Malta).
Pictured above are the participants of the 42nd Summer Symposium in Real Analysis.
Sergei Konyagin is awarded the 2018 "Andy."
The Small "Andy" Awards were awarded to (from left to rogjt) Paul Humke, Trevor Richards, Bernd Kirchheim, and Slobodan Tričković,
Participants having a great time in St. Petersburg!
SUNDAY, June 10 Mathematical Institute, Marble Hall
9:00 Breakfast
9:50-10:20 Opening
CHAIRPERSON: Valentin Skvortsov
10:20-11:20 Sergei Konyagin
Convergence to zero of exponential sums with positive integer coefficients and approximation by sums of shifts of a single function on the line
11:30-11:50 Maria Skopina
Approximation by multivariate quasi-projection operators
CHAIRPERSON: Maria Skopina
12:00-12:20 Aleksandr Krivoshein
Multivariate sampling-type expansions
12:30-12:50 Elena Lebedeva
Unconditional convergence for wavelet frame expansions
13:00-13:20 Artyom Radomskii
On some trigonometric polynomials with extremally small uniform norm
13:20-15:00 Lunch
CHAIRPERSON: Evgeny Semenov
15:00-15:20 Pranav Sharma
Sequences valued in convergence groups
15:30-15:50 Martin Dolezal
On convergence of graphons
16:00-16:20 Svetlana Butler
Quasi-linear functionals on locally compact spaces
16:20-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:00 Chris Ciesielski
Differentiability versus continuity: Restriction and extension theorems and monstrous examples
19:00 Dinner
MONDAY, June 11 Mathematical Institute, Marble Hall
9:00 Breakfast
9:50-10:00 Opening
CHAIRPERSON: Chris Ciesielski
10:00-11:00 Vladimir Bogachev
Distributions of polynomials in many variables and Nikolskii-Besov spaces
11:15-12:15 Collaboration Time
11:15-12:15 Coffee Break
12:30-12:50 Jun Kawabe
The Vitali convergence theorem for distribution-based nonlinear integrals
13:00-13:20 Nicolaos Macheras
Marginals and the product strong lifting problem
13:20-14:50 Lunch
CHAIRPERSON: Vladimir Bogachev
14:50-15:50 Bernd Kirchheim
Derivatives and their geometry
16:00-16:20 Emmanuel Chetcuti
Equilateral weights on subsets of R^n
16:30-16:50 Martin Rmoutil
c-Removable sets: Old and new results
17:00-18:00 Chris Ciesielski
Higher level differentiability: Generalized Ulam-Zahorski problem and small coverings by smooth maps
18:00-19:40 Dinner
18:00-19:40 Problem Session
TUESDAY, June 12 Russia Day
9:00 Breakfast
10:45 Tour to Peterhof
19:50 Problem Session
WEDNESDAY, June 13 Herzen University, Auditorium 237
9:00 Breakfast
9:50-10:00 Opening
10:00-11:00 Natalia Kholshchevnikova
The union problem and the category problem of sets of uniqueness in the theory of orthogonal series
11:10-11:30 Valentin Skvortsov
Some problems in harmonic analysis on compact zero-dimensional groups (non-abelian case)
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
Split into two auditoriums:
Auditorium 237:
CHAIRPERSON: Natalia Kholshchevnikova
12:00-12:20 Mikhail Plotnikov
U- and V-sets for multiple Vilenkin series
12:30-12:50 Julia Plotnikova
On rearranged multiple Haar series
13:00-13:20 Sergei Voronov
Convergence of Fourier series by Vilenkin system in the case of unlimited p(k)
Auditorium 214:
CHAIRPERSON: Svetlana Butler;
12:00-12:20 Slobodan Tričković
On the generalized binomial transform
12:30-12:50 Slobodan Tričković
On applications of the generalized binomial transform
13:00-13:20 Fabio Milner
Structured population model with diffusion in structure space)
13:20-15:00 Lunch
Auditorium 237:
CHAIRPERSON: Mikhail Plotnikov
15:00-15:20 Piotr Sworowski
On variational and Riemann approach to some Lusin-type integrals
15:30-15:50 Vazgen Mikayelyan
Monotonically boundedly completeness of the Franklin system in C[0,1] and L^1[0,1]
Auditorium 214:
CHAIRPERSON: Victor Budaev
15:00-15:20 Yuri Malykhin
On some lower bounds for Kolmogorov widths
15:30-15:50 Aliasghar Alikhani-Koopaei
On the sets of fixed points, periodic functions points, recurrent points and chain recurrent points of bounded Baire one functions
15:50-16:10 Coffee Break
16:10-16:30 Anna Loranty
On dynamical systems, entropy and certain classes of real functions
16:10-16:30 Janusz Morawiec
Means of iterates
16:10-16:30 Aleksandr Florinskiy
Some dynamical and order properties of maps related to the real line
17:30-18:45 Break
18:45-23:00 Excursion, Banquet & Andy Award
THURSDAY, June 14 Herzen University, Auditorium 237
9:00 Breakfast
9:50-10:00 Opening
10:00-11:00 Evgeny Semenov
On strictly singular operators
11:10-11:30 Oleg Reinov
On products of nuclear operators
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
CHAIRPERSON: Grazyna Horbaczewska
12:00-12:20 Palani Shunmugaraj
Some geometric properties in Banach spaces
12:30-12:50 Trevor Richards
Luzin type properties, and the difference quotient set
13:00-13:20 Pratulananda Das
On generalized statistical and ideal convergence of metric-valued sequences
13:30-13:50 Artyom Radomskii
On the inequality of Sidon
13:50-15:00 Lunch
CHAIRPERSON: Piotr Sworowski
15:00-15:20 Grazyna Horbaczewska
On sets which can be moved away from sets of a certain family
15:30-15:50 Malgorzata Filipczak
Homeomorphisms of Hashimoto topologies
16:00-16:20 Jacek Hejduk
On a strong generalized topology with respect to the outer Lebesgue measure
16:45 Tour to Catherine Palace
FRIDAY, June 15
9:00 Breakfast
Symposium Closing