Symposium 25 – Ogden, 2001
Weber State University
May 22-26, 2001
Andy Recipient – Dan Mauldin, North Texas University
During May 22-26, 2001, Weber State University will host Summer Symposium in Real Analysis XXV.Our symposium will highlight lectures by both leading experts and exciting new researchers. Specifically, Summer Symposium 2001 will emphasize recent important work in dynamics as wellas some of the achievements of younger mathematicians in real analysis. In addition, we willprovide a vibrant forum for the discussion of research problems, and allot prime speaking time to recent doctoral recipients. The schedule includes hour long lectures by four principal speakers, several invited twenty minute presentations, and two directed and refereed research problem sessions. Time in the program has been reserved for young researchers, and the research problem sessions have been designed to entice new people to work in newly developing areas. There will also be a reception dinner Tuesday evening, an excursion Thursday afternoon followed by a barbeque at a local park, as well as the traditional banquet on Friday.The four principal speakers have all accepted our invitation. A brief description of each of our main speakers can be found below.
Here are our principal speakers:
Marianna Csornyei (University College, London)
Marianna Csornyei was born on October 8, 1975 in Budapest, Hungary and attended the prestigious Mihaly Fazekas High School (the school from which M. Laczkovich, Laszlo Lovasz, and many other highly regarded research mathematicians graduated) from 1990 to 1994. Her talent for mathematics was clear very early. As a second year student at Lorand Eotvos University she won the Schweitzer Competition. As a third year student she began research level mathematics under the supervision of Gy. Petruska, Department of Analysis. She earned her Ph.D. under Petruska's supervision in 1999, six months after earning her undergraduate degree. Dr. Csornyei has been a Visiting Researcher at several research institutions, including: Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge; University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, and the University of North Texas, Denton. She is presently a Postdoctoral Fellow at University College, London.In two short years she has raised international attention by settling several outstanding problems. These include:
A characterization of absolutely continuous functions of several variables
A proof of the equivalence of Aronszajn zero, cube zero, Haar zero and Gauss zero sets inseparable Banach spaces.
A solution of the Gorelik principle problem by finding counterexamples in finite dimensionalspaces.
A solution of the scaling problem for Hausdorff measures.
A solution of Mattila's problem on invisible sets and a far reaching generalization of Davies' theorem
Washek Pfeffer (University of California at Davis)
Washek F. Pfeffer is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the University of California, Davis. He was born in Prague, Czech Republic, where he studied mathematics at Charles University (1955--60). He immigrated to the United States in 1965, and in 1966 received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park. Dr. Pfeffer has worked at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague and has taught at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, George Washington University, and the University of California, Berkeley. In 1994--95 he was a Fulbright Lecturer at Charles University. His primary research areas are analysis and topology. Dr. Pfeffer is a member of the American and Swedish Mathematical Societies, and serves on the Academic Board of the Center for Theoretical Study at Charles University. He has written the books Integrals and Measures (Marcel Dekker, 1977), The Riemann Approach to Integration (Cambridge University Press, 1993), and Derivation and Integration (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
James Yorke (University of Maryland - College Park)
Professor Yorke earned his bachelors degree from Columbia University and his doctoral degree in mathematics from the University of Maryland at College Park where his academic careercontinues today as Distinguished University Professor of Mathematics and Director of the Institute for Physical Sciences and Technology. Professor Yorke has done extensive research in areas ranging from stability of ordinary differential equations and modeling the growth processes of contagious diseases to a vast array of areas in the field of chaotic dynamics. Professor Yorke is perhaps best known to the general public for coining the mathematical term ?chaos? with T. Y. Li in a classic paper entitled Period three implies chaos. He received the Guggenheim fellowship in 1980. In addition to more than two hundred publications in mathematical and physical journals, Professor Yorke coauthored three books on chaos and a monograph on gonorrhea epidemiology. He has also supervised approximately 15 Ph. D. dissertations in the Departments of Mathematics and Physics.
Miroslav Zeleny (Charles University, Prague)
Professor Yorke earned his bachelors degree from Columbia University and his doctoral degree in mathematics from the University of Maryland at College Park where his academic careercontinues today as Distinguished University Professor of Mathematics and Director of the Institute for Physical Sciences and Technology. Professor Yorke has done extensive research in areas ranging from stability of ordinary differential equations and modeling the growth processes of contagious diseases to a vast array of areas in the field of chaotic dynamics. Professor Yorke is perhaps best known to the general public for coining the mathematical term ?chaos? with T. Y. Li in a classic paper entitled Period three implies chaos. He received the Guggenheim fellowship in 1980. In addition to more than two hundred publications in mathematical and physical journals, Professor Yorke coauthored three books on chaos and a monograph on gonorrhea epidemiology. He has also supervised approximately 15 Ph. D. dissertations in the Departments of Mathematics and Physics.
The tentative schedule for the main lectures is Wednesday morning (Csornyei), Thursday morning (Pfeffer), Friday morning (Zeleny), and Saturday morning (Yorke).
Research Problem Sessions
The program will also include a directed Research Problem Session on Wednesday evening from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. Research Problem Sessions were introduced by the Europeans at Summer Symposium XV in 1991 at Smolenica (now in Slovakia) and have become quite popular and successful ever since.
Time to Work
One of our high priority goals for this symposium is to create an atmosphere at the conference where people can begin collaborations on research problems. To be successful we must set aside time when participants can feel free to work. A too full schedule can be a deterent to the type of working atmosphere we wish to create. As such, we plan to set aside at least two hours each early afternoon when no activities are scheduled.
We anticipate that Symposium XXV will attract a broad international audience from North and South America, Russia, Georgia, Japan, Taiwan, China, India and most every European country. Information concerning this conference was placed on the real analysis web page in June, 2000 and preregistration indicates that a majority of the most active research real analysts will attend the 2001 Summer Symposium.
Young Researchers
We have set aside at least five of the short presentations for first or second year Ph.Ds.
The Host Institution
The host institution, Weber State University, is an ideal location to hold such a conference. Since the University will be on break during the period of the conference, all the necessary facilities will be readily available. Moreover, the University’s proximity to a half dozen national parks as well as the Rocky Mountains should encourage more than average participation. Salt Lake City Airport affords easy access.
Rooms will be available in Weber State's residence halls for $21.50 a night (single), and $16.50 a night (double), with a required dining facility charge of $28 that provides for breakfast Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings, as well as dinner Wednesday evening.
Alternate Accommodations
Here is a partial list of local hotels for those folks that do not want to stay in Weber State's residence halls. Unfortunately, there are no hotels within easy walking distance of W. S. U., so those staying off campus will also have to arrange for transportation to and from campus.
Best Rest Inn (801) 393-8644
Best Western High Country Inn (801) 394-9474
Days Inn - Ogden (801) 399-5671
Super 8 Motel (801) 731-7100
Western Colony Inn (801) 627-1332
Conference Fees
While we hope that additional corporate sponsorship will allow us to lower the registration fee considerably, we currently estimate that registration for the symposium will be $150.
Arrival and Departure
For those who are flying, Salt Lake City International Airport affords the easiest access to Ogden and Weber State University. There will be a conference shuttle to and from the airport Tuesday afternoon, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning. For those who are driving, the area and campus maps found at the W.S.U. web site ( www.weber.edu ) should be sufficient. Registration and check-in will be in Promintory Tower Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning, with our first activity being the reception dinner Tuesday night in the Commons adjacent to the residences.
Regional Attractions
Those that have the opportunity may want to visit some of national parks and monuments found within a half day's drive of Weber State University. These include Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Zion, Arches, Bryce, Grand Canyon and Capitol Reef National Parks, as well as Grand Staircase- Escalante National Monument and Golden Spike National Historic Site. Additional travel information can be found at the Utah Travel Council's web site ( www.utah.com ) as well as that for Ogden City ( www.ogden-ut.com ).
The directors of this summers symposium are:
T.H. Steele
Department of Mathematics
Weber State University
Ogden UT 84408-1702
Phone: (801) 626-6098
Fax: 801-626-7930
e-mail: thsteele@weber.edu
Paul Humke
Department of Mathematics
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN 55057
Fax: 507-646-3116 (use a coversheet)
e-mail: humke@stolaf.edu